The Manual Osteopathic Medicine appointment

The Manual Osteopathic Medicine appointment

The appointment consists of an interview, an examination and a physical treatment. The appointment lasts about 55 minutes.

The interview

The beginning is dedicated to your case history. In this interview we try and establish the context of the pain.

Physical examination

Then we proceed to a physical examination. In this phase, I use my hands to look for the connective tissue that is blocked. This examination is not limited to only the part where the pain is centred. The examination is carried out:

  • standing up
  • sitting down
  • lying down

During this first consultation, I try to find the blocked connective tissue and from there begin the treatment.

Request for other analyses

It can be necessary to ask for further analyses, for example Blood tests, X-rays or MRIs which would be carried out in cooperation with your family doctor.

The results of these tests will be discussed with you and a possible explanation for the blocked tissue and the problem will be given.

Osteopathic treatment

The treatment will be centred on loosening the tissue with my hands. The movements are usually painless, because I go where the tissue goes freely and without resistance, and don’t concentrate on the pain itself.

This usually takes about 55 minutes, but sometimes it can even be shorter. In that case, it will be considered as a half consultation. This sequence will be repeated in a further consultation. It is possible that once a significant tension is reduced the body will reveal the tension in a different area.


First visit (1 hour)   =   € 90

Subsequent visits (1 hour)   =   € 60

TECAR treatment (½ hour)   =   € 30

Ozonotherapy in package of 10 = 40€ intra-articolar injection =50 €